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Racer Sue
One of the great pleasures this season was working with Sue Palmer-Komar and her husband Chris. Sue has a long and impressive palmares (I won't get into it, google her if you want to know more and check out her blog) and was the steady influence and the go-to rider for many GC races on the team. Always great to work with, she went from being reluctant about massage to being one of the first to jump on the table by the end of the season. She is retiring but will continue to be involved in cycling. Here she is making her one appearance in her Canadian TT Champion jersey at Nature Valley.
I was happy to be there for Sue's final win, at the Green Mountain Stage Race in Vermont. Since I live just over the lake from there, I was able to load up my van and head over to support her and Sarah. A great weekend of racing: lousy weather but Sue won the "Queen" stage on top of the Appalachian Gap, the overall, and Sarah won the QOM. I had to head home before the final day, but Sue, Chris and daughter Trinity treated me to a terrific Vermont dinner as thanks. Next time it's my turn.
Just cruising up the 18% finish ramp for the win!
Thanks Sue for a great year!