Sunday, May 21, 2006

Back In The Saddle

May 6th: It's raining; this must be the Jiminy Peak Road Race! Or the other way around. Here I am holding what my friend Joe christened"the Jiminy Jacket" so many years ago. It was quiet at the office so I decided to take a drive and jump in the 35+ field to try out my legs. I'm not sure what posessed me; was it the memories of the great rides this spring out west? The opportunity to flaunt the Colavita/Cooking Light team's threads during my warm up? Inspiration from working with an amazing team of women racers who make it look easy? Or is it just Altzheimers setting in? Anyway, it was my first race in...well, let's just say it's been awhile, and it was...illuminating. Fun, though, good training for events more suited to me and it was good to see the old crowd again. (And getting older all the time!) Still fast enough to pass the 3's; after all what would Jiminy be without wet roads and a couple of fields joining up to make a pack of 300 riders? Boring!

So, Sima, can I pull now?


At 11:49 AM , Blogger Sue said...

so, you didn't get a mug?? I love Jiminy Peak but couldn't go this year, somebody had to get forklift certification (not me), geez.
see you soon timmy!

At 9:10 PM , Blogger TC said...

Blogger Sue Lives! No mug for me this year, alas. I've got one but I'm wanting a set. We could have a BYO Jiminy mug party.
Would you update already?!


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